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AARP Florida

AARP Florida is making a difference where you live.
Voters 50+ are the driving force behind every election. They’re not just voting; they’re grappling with the everyday challenges that come with caring for parents, siblings and other loved ones, and protecting their hard-earned Social Security. AARP Florida is here to ensure you have all the information needed to cast your ballot this election season.
Millions of Florida residents find electric utility issues hard to follow. Regulated by a far-away, low-profile state agency, largely the domain of expensive utilities lawyers, powerful corporations and influential special interest experts, electric utility regulations are often unfair and unfamiliar for customers.
Home prices and rentals have become increasingly unaffordable in Florida. This white paper explores the benefits of allowing alternative housing options, such as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), for homeowners and communities.
AARP’s national accountability campaign ‘ Take a Stand ‘ is well underway here in Florida, and our staff and volunteers are working hard to pressure candidates into telling voters how they would update Social Security for the 21st century and keep the promise for future generations. We want our leaders to make Social Security a priority and to put serious proposals on the table. If lawmakers fail to take action, Social Security benefits could be reduced by 25 percent by 2034, and future retirees could lose up to $10,000 a year in benefits.
The word is out on the IRS scam phone calls (click here here and here.) So the scammers have upped their game to mail, and it’s quite convincing at first. Since the IRS has said they would never call you demanding money for payment, only send mail letters, it was only a short amount of time until these frausters did so too.[/youtube]
“Stand Up & Be Counted” Seventh Annual Destino Leadership Academy
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