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Blog post courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service.
Survey: Medicare Beneficiaries at Risk from Card-Replacement Scams
TALLAHASSEE – With tax filing season in full swing statewide, millions of Floridians are grappling with recent changes to tax law enacted by Congress and signed into law by the President earlier this year. But many who are helping to care for older loved ones may not know of tax changes that could save them hundreds of dollars or more, according to a leading AARP Florida volunteer.
Florida lawmakers are considering proposals to let payday lenders charge interest rates that could add up to 200 percent per year on loans twice as big as allowed under current law – and AARP Florida is fighting back.
St. Petersburg, Fla. — For 50 years, tens of thousands of AARP Foundation volunteers nationwide and nearly 3,000 from across Florida have made older taxpayers a great offer: They’ll help you prepare your annual federal income tax returns – and they’ll do it for free. Starting Feb. 1 through April 17, AARP Foundation will do it again.
TALLAHASSEE – AARP Florida is urging state utility regulators to permanently lower the rates that homeowners and businesses are charged for electricity, natural gas and other utilities after a federal tax overhaul took effect on Jan. 1.
If you've been baffled by your utilities bill -- and wondered who makes the rules for Florida power companies -- you're not alone.
TALLAHASSEE — In recognition of their work during the 2017 Florida Legislative Session in protecting Florida’s most vulnerable residents, state Sen. Kathleen Passidomo (R - Naples) and state Rep. Ben Diamond (D - St. Petersburg) were presented with the AARP Florida Legislative Achievement Award
Fellow Floridians – This year was a busy one for us when it came to utilities advocacy. We had some hard-fought battles – some we won, some we lost.
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