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AARP AARP States Advocacy

Happy 79th Anniversary Social Security!

SS Birthday Balloons
For 79 years now, Social Security has provided a foundation of income older Americans and their families can count on.

Social Security’s guaranteed benefits are a rock-solid commitment to families in Wisconsin – and across the country. Americans earn Social Security’s guaranteed retirement benefits by making contributions out of every paycheck throughout their working lives. And, Social Security’s earned benefits help workers and their families when disability or death makes a paycheck disappear.

AARP fights every day to make sure that Social Security is there for people who rely on it today – and for future generations.

Help us make sure that we can continue to celebrate Social Security’s Anniversary EVERY year.

Add your name to our petition to urge the President and Congress to keep Social Security Strong.

Click here to wish Social Security Happy Anniversary and keep it strong for years to come!


About AARP States
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