AARP Eye Center
Remember those resolutions that you made last year or possibly the year before? Remember saying, “I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to change jobs, I’m going to save more, I’m going to eat more nutritiously,” yet by the end of the first month of the New Year you had already “fallen off the wagon.” Now don’t be too hard on yourself, many of us make resolutions such as these with the best of intentions. What I see with these “I’m going to’s” is sometimes we are unrealistic with our expectations.
Now I have an idea as we move into this 2015 New Year. Instead of calling them resolutions, let’s call them lifestyle changes. I’ve learned over the years that a change in verbiage can bring about a change in attitude, and a change in attitude brings about a change in our actions.
About two years ago I had a coaching client who was obsessed with losing weight. She had had an issue with her weight since she was a young girl. She came from a family of four girls and she was the heaviest of all her siblings. For many years all she heard was how heavy she was in comparison to the size of her sisters. She confided in me that she had tried diet after diet and nothing seemed to work. She would lose a few pounds here and a few pounds there but nothing seemed to work for any substantial amount of time. I told my client, now an adult, let’s take a new approach. Instead of calling it a diet, let’s call it a food modification program. At first she was a little hesitant with the idea but after two or three conversations and her doing some homework on nutrition and food preparation, she was on board. I’m happy to say that to this day she has lost weight and kept it off.
So as the New Year approaches try this… instead of saying “I’m going to lose weight, say, I’m starting a food modification program, instead of saying I’m going to change jobs, say I’m making an investment in my future finances, instead of saying I’m going to save more, say I’m taking steps to increase my cash flow” and lastly, instead of using the word exercise, call it energetic creative movement. Remember, if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change . Happy 2015 and beyond!
CJay Smith, Certified Empowerment Coach
W itty, Charming, Intellectual, Energetic, just a few words one could use to describe the many facets of CJay Smith. As Speaker Extraordinaire, CJay uses visualization and humor to deliver refreshing real life every day situational conversations designed to inspire, uplift, and educate. Conversations designed for young adults through the senior years.