AARP Eye Center

AARP New Hampshire plans an open house to help members take full advantage of AARP’s local educational, cultural and other programs, and to get their ideas for improvements.
Members often know more about AARP’s national role than the many local opportunities available to them—to learn, volunteer, teach, or simply enjoy entertainment or travel discounts, said Jamie Bulen, associate state director for communications.
Recent and upcoming activities include a prerelease screening of a major movie, teleconference town halls with members of Congress and a pregame reception at a University of New Hampshire hockey game. AARP-trained volunteers are helping people understand the online marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act.
The free open house will be March 29 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Puritan Backroom restaurant, 245 Hooksett Road, Manchester.
After giving an overview of plans and programs for 2014, AARP hosts will turn the floor over to members to talk about how programs, services and advocacy could be made more relevant. The session will wrap up with a presentation on acupuncture for pain relief by a local provider and a light lunch.
Registration is required at —Joe Magruder