AARP Eye Center

One of Maryland’s hardest-working volunteers is the face of a new, national AARP print ad that will be seen in major newspapers around the country over the next several weeks.
The ad, which features 83-year-old Army veteran Marvin Sakin, features Sakin in his favorite Silver Star hat next to the line, “I’m a veteran. Not a line item in a budget. ” Sakin, a veteran of the Korean War, is a long-time AARP Maryland volunteer who is a proactive champion of many 50+ causes, especially issues related to veterans' benefits.
The eye-catching ad is part of an aggressive AARP advertising campaign that calls for Congress to leave Social Security out of any budget cuts, and to abandon chained CPI because it hurts older Americans and especially veterans.
To learn more about chained CPI and its potential effect on Social Security, visit the "Where AARP Stands" page on chained CPI. To find out how much chained CPI would impact you, check out AARP's Social Security Calculator tool at
For a larger, easy-to-read version of Marvin's ad, see below.
Larger version of the ad: