AARP Eye Center
By AARP Indiana Interim State Director Sarah Waddle

Indianapolis is, in our humble opinion, a great city with so much to offer. But, what it lacks is a means by which to get to those offerings if you don’t have a car, can’t drive anymore or simply want to take an alternative form of transportation. In short, Indianapolis just isn’t a livable community quite yet. It can be though, and one key way to achieve that status is having viable transportation options that improve health, support vibrant neighborhoods and connect people to economic and social opportunities. This is exactly why AARP is working to ensure that the referendum regarding funding for the transit initiative is placed on the ballot in Marion County in November. About 90 percent of our members say they want to age in place – at home, in their own neighborhoods – and we want to do all we can to make sure that can happen. In order to deliver on that mission for folks in Indianapolis, we must have a reliable and sustainable mass transit system.