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Thank you for joining us at Lobby Day. Help us amplify awareness of Paid Family and Medical Leave by taking these three actions today:
Send an electronic message to your lawmaker and ask them to support Paid Family & Medical Leave.
Follow AARP and like, comment and share posts throughout the day. Don't forget to use the following hashtags on Twitter: #PaidLeaveMN #mnleg
- I am at the @mncapitol with @AARPMN. Staying home when you or a loved one is sick with a serious health condition shouldn't mean losing your pay, or even your job. Tell your lawmaker to pass #PaidLeaveMN: #mnleg
- All Minnesotans deserve a Robust #PaidLeaveMN policy that
✅ Allows up to 12 weeks Medical Care
✅ Allows up to 12 weeks Family Care
✅ Has Everyone Contribute, Everyone Benefits
✅ Starts ASAP since MN been waiting a decade! #mnleg - Across MN, 530K family caregivers help their older parents, spouses, & other loved ones live independently at home, most while juggling a FT or PT job. It's time for MN to give them the support they need. Tell your lawmaker to pass #PaidLeaveMN: #mnleg
- I am proud to stand with @aarpmn and the @mn4pfl partners in supporting Paid Family & Medical Leave that will help Minnesotans take care of themselves, their health and their families. Tell #mnleg that NOW is the time to pass our #PaidLeaveMN policy:
The Letter to the Editor section of newspapers are ideal for getting your message to a wide audience. Letters to the editor in local and regional papers are read by elected and appointed officials, community members and activists.
- Find your local newspaper. Search for your local newspaper by city. If your city does not have a local newspaper, consider submitting to a neighboring city.
- Visit the newspaper website to find out how to submit your letter (typically this information can be found under the "Contact Us" section of a website).
- Write your letter to the editor. Use this template letter to the editor to help you write your letter (template also below)
Use the bullet points below to assist you in writing a letter to the editor. You can use these tips to help guide you (note: most publications ask for submitted letters to the editor to be less than 200 words).
- In Minnesota, more than 530,000 unpaid family caregivers provide critical assistance to help their older parents, spouses and other loved ones live independently in their homes; many do so while also juggling full or part-time jobs.
- [personal experience about caregiving or the importance of PFML to you]
- Caring for mom, dad or a spouse can be expensive, isolating, and stressful enough without the fear of losing your paycheck—or job.
- I joined AARP Minnesota at the Capitol on March 21 to call AARP on lawmakers to pass a Paid Family and Medical Leave program, which would provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a seriously ill family member or a worker’s own serious health condition.
- The Paid Family and Medical Leave (HF2 Richardson; SF2 Mann) is commonsense legislation that would allow caregivers to take limited time off from their jobs without fear of losing their paychecks.
- Unfortunately, working family caregivers often risk their own financial security to provide care for their loved ones.
- Caregiving demands may lead to effects felt across years or a lifetime due to lost jobs, missed raises, and reduced Social Security benefits.
- Only 13 percent of workers have access to paid family and medical leave through their employers, allowing them to take time off to care for a loved one.
- Family caregivers save the state and taxpayers money by keeping their loved ones out of taxpayer-funded nursing homes.
- Unpaid family caregivers contribute more than 500 million hours of unpaid care each year, valued at approximately $10 billion dollars in Minnesota.
- They help their older loved ones with medications and medical care, bathing and dressing, meals, chores, and much more.
- Not only do paid family and medical leave programs give workers a measure of economic security, but they are also shown to improve health and benefit businesses by reducing turnover, boosting productivity, and enhancing morale.
- Lawmakers can support family caregivers by passing a paid family and medical leave insurance program allowing Minnesotans to work and care for themselves and their families. The time for action is now.
[Signed by NAME, AARP Minnesota Volunteer, CITY]