AARP Eye Center

If you are not already one of the 1.7 million North Carolinians serving as a caregiver for a loved one, chances are, someday you will be.
In a recent AARP survey of North Carolina voters age 45-plus, 77 percent of caregivers who are employed said they either go to work early, stay late or have taken time off to provide care. About 3 in 10 have taken a leave of absence, and about 1 in 6 gave up working entirely.
AARP is offering workshops to help caregivers manage multiple demands. The free events are in Wilmington, June 19; Greensboro, June 11 and 30; Raleigh, June 16; Charlotte, June 19; and Durham, June 25. For more information, scroll down to Upcoming Events in the column at right and click to view details.