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Need Help with the New Health Care Law in Illinois? We've Got You Covered!

Hi there blog readers, it's Jenn with the AARP Illinois Communications team here to share with you a presentation on the Affordable Care Act - aka Obamacare or the ACA.

As you can imagine there is A LOT of confusion over this new law and we're getting and giving responses as fast as we can. Please feel free to share the deck below with your friends, family, and others who may benefit from it.  Need an even more comprehensive deck than the one below? Here's a link to the same deck as below with our notes included. Want to find information specific to Illinois? Everything you need to know is at GetCoveredIllinois.Gov


Find Your Way Around The Health Care Law! 

[slideshare id=26723270&doc=findyourwayaroundthehealthcarelawpresentationdeckwnotesupdated9613-130930225921-phpapp02]

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