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AARP AARP States New Hampshire Voters

Issues to Focus on in the 2024 Presidential Primary


Learn where the candidates stand on the key issues of strengthening Social Security and supporting Family Caregivers.

AARP members are well-informed and have high participation rates in elections and primaries.

In 2024, we expect more than 76,000 AARP members will participate in the New Hampshire Republican primary, which would make up more than 25% of the total Republican primary turnout.

Strengthen Social Security
How will you protect Social Security for me, my children and my grandchildren?

  • More than 1 in 5 Granite Staters (327,000) receive Social Security benefits.
  • Social Security payments pump at least $5.7 billion into NH’s economy annually.
  • One-third of NH residents 65 and older would live in poverty if not for Social Security.
  • More than 40% of individuals 65 and older in NH live in families that rely Social Security for at least half of their income.
  • Nationally: A 2023 AARP poll found 9 in 10 people agree members of Congress, regardless of party, must immediately work together to find a solution.

For more information from AARP about Social Security, click here.

Click here to listen to what the candidates have to say.

Support Family Caregivers
How will you help family caregivers?

  • More than 168,000 Granite Staters are family caregivers, providing care for an adult with a health condition.
  • Family caregivers in New Hampshire provide $2.8 billion worth of unpaid care each year.
  • More than 1 in 5 New Hampshire voters are family caregivers.
  • Nearly 80% of voters say they are a current, past, or future family caregiver.
  • Nationally: More than 70% of voters say they are more likely to support a candidate who backs proposals to support family caregivers.

For more information from AARP about caregiving, click here.

Click here to listen to what the candidates have to say.

AARP is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that doesn’t endorse candidates or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. Its members come from across the political spectrum, and AARP has a long track record of making sure elected official from both parties address the issues that matter to all Americans age 50-plus.

For more information on how, when and where to vote in New Hampshire, click here.

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