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AARP AARP States New Hampshire

Choose "What's Next" and Enjoy the Ride

Life Reimagined horse

Many boomers are facing life transitions and trying to answer the question “What’s next?” The AARP Life Reimagined program helps people make such decisions and take first steps along their chosen path.

AARP New Hampshire is offering a 90-minute Life Reimagined Checkup on Saturday, June 25, at 10:30 a.m. at the Millyard Museum in downtown Manchester. Through a series of easy exercises, the Checkup provides tools and advice to help users make progress on major transitions in areas such as work, relationships and well-being.

“The Checkup is a fun, contemplative way to begin the process of discovering your own personal pathway,” said Sarah Kelsea, AARP associate state director for community outreach.

The program is free, but registration is required. Free admission to the museum is included. For more information or to sign up, go to

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