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Health & Wellbeing

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You might be a safe driver but did you know that the way your car “fits” you can also increase your safety?
To many of us getting older means slowing down but that doesn’t have to be the case. Join AARP New Mexico and Dr. Anne Simpson April 30 th for a deep discussion on how staying healthy and engaged in your community as we age can lead to a better life. Dr. Simpson is the director of the University of New Mexico School Of Medicine’s Institute for Ethics.
It’s official. Governor Susana Martinez March 30 signed into law House Bill 91, which would allow drivers to take a safety course at a younger age. The new law allows people to take a driver refresher course beginning at age 50 instead of having to wait until they turn 55. It goes into effect July 1, 2015.
Event Highlights House Bill 139 -- the CARE Act
Every year more than 419,000 family caregivers in New Mexico help their loved ones to live independently -- keeping them out of costly institutions, such as nursing homes. In New Mexico, family caregivers provide unpaid care valued at about $3.1 billion annually.
The stories are all too familiar – shuttling loved ones off to appointments when they refuse to get dressed, relationship problems that don’t magically go away because you are now caring for that person; and finding the strength to do what needs to be done.
Many people don't realize that AARP has a local presence here in New Mexico through the State Office in Santa Fe and the AARP Information Center in Albuquerque.
AARP New Mexico is teaming up with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and SCORE Albuquerque. The SBA and SCORE will host an “encore entrepreneur” event in Albuquerque, April 17th, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., at the SBA office, 500 Gold Ave. SW, Suite 11301. Participants must register at or by calling 505-248-8232.
Did you know that there are low-income older adults and people with disabilities right in your own community who need your help to remain independent? If you could volunteer a few hours of your time each month, you could enable them to remain independent and in their own homes.
AARP New Mexico’s new State Director Gene Varela finds satisfaction in connecting people with the services and resources they need that can help them build better lives.
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