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AARP NY "Cerca De Ti" Podcast

Cerca De Ti
Cerca De Ti
Cerca De Ti

The AARP New York "Cerca de Ti" 5-episode podcast series hosted by Maggie Castro and George Nenadich brings in-depth conversations with top-tier influencers and experts in their field that addresses some of their most challenging to discuss the issues the matter to you and the 50 plus community. So tune in as we provide many informative tools and resources!

Join our online podcast, which will air on our Facebook page @AARPNY
All events are at 12:00pm EST:


1. Episode #1: Debt and Savings | Friday, September 16, 2022
Guest: Dominic Valdez - Financial Advisor

Let's address the great financial divide in this country during the pandemic- between those who have their jobs, maintained or increased savings, and have manageable debt; and those who do not, particularly in Latino communities.  Let’s provide solutions for debt management, building wealth, and information around investing.

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2. Episode #2: Work and Jobs | Friday, September 23, 2022
Guest: Nancy Santiago, Deputy Director of Engagement, Office of the US Surgeon General

After two years into a global pandemic that saw devastating job loss and economic disparities, particularly among older workers, especially women. According to a report from the Institute for Women's Policy Research Women, more than 60% of jobs losses were experienced by women, who lost more jobs than men due to the pandemic. Let's talk about age discrimination for women working after 50, post-pandemic, and provide resources.

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3. Episode #3: Disrupt Aging | Friday, September 30, 2022
Guest: Daisy Paez, Community Leader, Lower East Side

As the global pandemic is impacting every aspect of people’s lives, how did the impact of COVID-19 affect people’s attitudes towards multigenerational living? Culture plays an important part in attitudes toward such living arrangements. What are the drivers? What are the Barriers? What did we learn about each other during the pandemic?

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4. Episode #4: Cuidando A Los Nuestros (Caregiving) | Friday, October 7, 2022
Guest: Karen Vega, Clinical Case Manager, Dale Jones Burch Neighborhood Center

Caregiving can be challenging. With over 43 million Americans providing care for loved ones, let's address the caregiving challenges as a coronavirus (COVID-19) developments continue to evolve, and provide local resources, share helpful tips, and discuss how to build a caregiver support network, tips to care for yourself, and where to find local resources

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5. Episode #5: Get Healthy | Friday, October 14, 2022
Guest: Maria Scarfo PhD Deputy Director Senior Services Vision Latina

As Americans emerge from the pandemic, there is a focus on managing control over health in the areas of mental health, anxiety, fitness, and nutrition. Let's identify ways to take small but meaningful steps to improve overall health and mental well-being – and develop good habits for the future.

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We look forward to you enjoying our first podcast series!

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