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Join AARP for Premiere of Angel in the City

AARP New York invites members and guests to the screening of Angel in the City, at the New York Latino Film Festival on August 25th


The Angel in the City video takes viewers on a ride of discovery and empowerment from local and world-renowned legends. In this debut, host Angel De Leon travels on his motorcycle and sends the audience on a journey through the Bronx with segments featuring Richard “Crazy Legs” Colon, B-boy legend and president of the Rock Steady Crew, pioneer graffiti artists and muralists John “Crash” Matos and members of Tats Cru.  Angel reveals how they have all embraced a new chapter in life through being 50+ and share how they maneuver life’s challenges, tackling subjects like aging, retirement, personal fulfillment, and more.

The production is an original creation of Latin Soul Media's De Leon and  Johann Gamez and directed by Roberto Russo and powered by AARP New York

AARP members and guests get free tickets to the debut and a discussion afterward with TT Torrez, host of the Culture List on Centric (BET) and age disruptors that are 50+, Bronx-born De Leon, Crazy Legs and actor Malik Yoba, about AARP’s #disruptaging movement!

AARP members and their guests can register for the free screening, followed by a talk about the show.

Join AARP on Saturday, August 25, 2018, check-in at 3:30 pm, screening starts at 4pm at  AMC Empire 25, 234 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036

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