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AARP AARP States North Carolina Voters

Don't let the state budget leave caregivers and those with high medical expenses behind

The North Carolina House and Senate have major differences in their budget bills when it comes to meeting the needs of family caregivers and those with high medical costs. Earlier this month, the House approved budget reinstated the NC medical expense tax deduction that helps protect people from the impact of high medical expenses. They also restored one million dollars in funding that was taken away from the Home and Community Care Block Grant program that supports programs that help people age in their own homes.

The Senate's budget bill neither reinstated the medical expense deduction, nor did it adequately fund the Black Grant program at a time when the need and demand for its' supported services is growing.

As the different budget bills must be reconciled in a House and Senate Conference Committee by a June 30 deadline, this week on Real Life, you'll find out what you can do to make sure caregivers and those with high medical expenses aren't left behind.

You'll also hear about some of the benefits of AARP and how your AARP membership card can make your summer great. Listen to Real Life on the audio link below or on your local Real Life station.








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