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AARP AARP States North Carolina Volunteering

Make Your Voice Heard


AARP North Carolina is hard at work advocating for over-50 Tarheel Staters, and you can be part of the effort.

AARP volunteers met with members of the General Assembly to push for funding for programs to help older adults live independently. AARP also fought to increase the personal needs allowance permitted for Medicaid recipients who live in assisted living facilities and long-term care. Thanks to AARP’s efforts, the allowance was raised from $46 to $70 a month.

Interested in joining us? AARP North Carolina is looking for advocacy volunteers to meet with state legislators; to conduct workshops on caregiving, financial planning, health care and fraud prevention; or to help make communities more age-friendly.

The organization will match volunteer opportunities with people’s interests. To learn more, email with “volunteer” in the subject line.

About AARP North Carolina
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.