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AARP AARP States North Carolina Livable Communities

New Grants Spruce up Communities

Livable Communities Image

Four groups have won AARP Community Challenge Grants to improve livability in the state.

Sustain Charlotte will use its grant to create signage and markings and to build a trail in Double Oaks Park, now an underused open space connecting three neighborhoods in Charlotte’s north end.

In Mount Airy a Challenge Grant will help add 10 benches, five bike racks and new trees to the Granite City Greenway, a 6.6-mile trail.

In Asheville, Haw Creek Park is undergoing a major face-lift, with AARP funding for new outdoor musical playground equipment for residents of all ages.

And in Trenton a Challenge Grant is helping locals create Heroes Park, honoring those who saved so many people during Hurricane Florence.

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