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AARP AARP States North Carolina

Protect yourself this flu season

Flu season runs from October to May. Each year in the U.S., up to 40 thousand people die from the flu -- the same number who die from prostate disease, breast cancer and AIDS.

Getting a flu shot only takes a few minutes and can save you from weeks of severe illness, malaise and other symptoms. It's not too early to get your shot as today's vaccines last up to a year.

For those in Medicare or Medicaid, the shots are free as well as for those who are covered by most major health insurers.

This week on "Real Life," Richard Adelman MD,


talks about the importance of getting the flu shot regardless of age.  He also explains whatever preventive tests, and healthy lifestyles are recommended for those over age 50.

By listening to "Real Life" you can take a few minutes and learn how to protect your health.

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