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AARP AARP States North Carolina Advocacy

Special delivery: 700 letters from AARP members to the General Assembly

AARP volunteers delivered approximately 700 letters from voters across the state asking their leaders in the General Assembly for fully restored, uncapped medical deductions for people of all ages, as well as funding for the Home and Community Block Grant program in the final budget.

Over the course of the state budget debate, NC legislators received over 100,000 e-mails and letters from concerned voters about the reinstatement of deductions and restoration of Home and Community Block Grant funds.

In addition to these two issues, AARP asked the General Assembly to pass a Uniform Adult Guardianship law so that North Carolina is no longer one of only a handful of states that does not have a legal mechanism to handle guardianship disputes that cross state borders. Uniform guardianship will help improve patient care and provide relief to family caregivers.

It's not too let to let your NC leaders know that you support helping caregivers and helping protect people from high medical expenses.

Take Action! Click HERE

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AARP volunteer Dr. Dwight Willis explains to WRAL's Laura Leslie why supporting caregivers and protecting people from high medical expenses should be among the state's budget priorities

to contact State House and Senate leaders with a personal message.

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