AARP Eye Center
In the past, the state budget debate may have been something North Carolina’s non-political junkies generally overlooked or did not closely follow. But this legislative session, more age 50-plus voters have been paying close attention because tax law changes that went into effect hit them where it counts, right in the pocketbook.
The real effect of a NC tax law change that eliminated medical expense deductions was not fully felt until people filed their tax returns this year. That’s when thousands of AARP members and other North Carolinians contacted their leaders in Raleigh asking them to fully reinstate without a cap the deduction that has provided some relief from ever-escalating health costs.
AARP members’ calls and e-mails to Governor McCrory and State House and Senate leaders urged them to take another look at the impact of the tax law change. The Governor and House now favor bringing back the medical expense deduction. Unfortunately, the same does not hold true in the NC Senate, where its budget proposal not only barely touches the need for people to be protected from high medical costs, but also fails to adequately fund the Home and Community Care Block Grant program that helps support services that allow people remain in their homes as they age.
AARP is asking for continued calls and e-mails in support of the medical expense deductions and increased Home and Community Care Block Grant funding.
As the state looks for ways to reduce spending, shortchanging important programs that keep people in their homes and out of more costly institutional long-term care settings is a matter of common sense and dollars and cents.
The Senate’s failure to fully address these important issues is not a reason to be discouraged, but an impetus to stay involved. As the House and Senate budget bills move to a conference committee, it is important to let the appointed conferees know where you stand. AARP will help make that easier by providing opportunities for you to share your input with members of the Conference Committee and others.
With the end of the legislative session comes the start of a campaign season and these issues will not soon be forgotten. Look for AARP Action Alerts and other messages from AARP throughout the process. Ask your friends, neighbors and loved ones to share their voice as well. Sign-up for AARPNC’s Legislative Updates and please don’t forget your voice really does matter!