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Two NC Companies Make AARP's "50 Best Employers for Workers Over 50" List


Does the company you work for value its experienced employees? Through "Life Reimagined at Work," AARP is recognizing companies that are great places to work at age 50 and beyond.

Two North Carolina companies were named "Best Employers" on AARP’s national list, Winston Salem's Industries for the Blind and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina were both included in AARP's list of top 50 workplaces.

AARP, along with cosponsor, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), has been compiling a list of the top 50 employers for those over the age of 50 every year since 2001. Some areas of consideration include recruiting practices, workplace accommodation, alternative work options, and benefits for retirees. The workplace winners are selected by panel of judges made up of private sector, non-profit, and government labor experts.

The North Carolina companies have some standout qualities that landed them in AARP's top 50 list.

Industries for the Blind offers health fairs where employees can receive bone density tests, dental exams.  Also offered at the fairs are health and nutrition classes for prevention and management of diseases.  They also offer a transportation service that is used by many of their mature employees to get to and from work every day.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina’s commitment to creating an all-inclusive culture that celebrates diversity in the work place led to them being placed on AARP’s list for their fourth time.  This commitment to diversity is put into action by promoting Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s Golden Blues Employee Network program which sponsors workshops for community outreach, retirement planning, and eldercare.

For AARP’s complete list of the “Best Employers for Workers Over 50” and more information on the winners you can follow this link:  AARP's Best Employers for Workers Over 50

You can also find helpful information on employment at our Work Reimagined site Work Reimagined


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