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AARP AARP States Home & Family

Support Family Caregivers

16132496-caregivng © AlexRaths

AARP New York is asking lawmakers to support family caregivers who play a critical role when a loved one comes home from a hospital stay.

Introduced in May, the Caregiver Advise, Record and Enable (CARE) Act would allow every patient to identify a caregiver and would require hospital staff to show caregivers how to perform medical or nursing tasks needed at home, such as managing medications or dressing wounds. Hospitals also would be required to notify caregivers of discharge plans.

“Ensuring caregivers get the instruction they need could improve patients’ outcomes and reduce readmissions, which in turn could reduce costs for patients, hospitals and taxpayers,” said Bill Ferris, AARP associate state director for advocacy.

To urge your legislator to support the bill (A9816), call AARP at 800-700-6469.

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