We’re giving Congress 100+ reasons to prioritize a tax credit for family caregivers in the first 100 days of the new presidency. Add your reason to the list.
Social isolation affects millions of older adults and their health. AARP is committed to help communities find ways to connect their residents to resources and programs that fight isolation and loneliness.
Do you have a great idea for an improvement project for your Ohio hometown? If so, the 2025 AARP Community Challenge grant program is open and accepting applications through March 5 at 5 p.m.
More than 1 in 5 Ohioans age 45 and over currently provide unpaid care to an adult relative or friend, according to a new AARP Vital Voices survey. The poll explores the perspectives of Ohio residents on issues such as health care, financial security, caregiving and livable communities. Its findings will help guide AARP Ohio’s work across the state.
State Director Jenny Carlson shares her caregiving journey, invites Ohio caregivers to share their stories, and explains how AARP Ohio is fighting for Ohio's 1.5 million family caregivers.
Nearly 2 million Ohioans do not have access to a retirement savings plan at work. AARP Ohio supports HB 501, which would create a joint committee to study and report on state-facilitated options to improve access to workplace retirement savings programs for workers in the private sector.
When a Medicaid recipient dies, the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program attempts to recover from their estates what Medicaid paid for services provided. AARP Ohio hosts this virtual event to help you and your family better understand this program. Hear from an expert from Pro Seniors, Inc. of Cincinnati.
The state’s Healthy Aging Grants program is helping to increase access to services that help older residents live independently at home for longer. It is distributing $40 million across the state—part of a broader effort to address the needs of a rapidly aging population.
We currently are accepting applications for new Executive Council members to serve a two-year term. The Executive Council helps advance AARP's mission in Ohio, provides direction and leadership, and represents AARP in the community.