AARP Eye Center

AARP Oregon is cosponsoring an intergenerational conference focused on the needs of American Indians who care for elders or children. The April 20-21 conference in Pendleton aims to enhance caregiving skills among tribal communities.
According to U.S. Census projections, 114,646 Oregon residents identified themselves as being at least part American Indian or Alaskan native in 2014. Nationwide, nearly 1 in 10 American Indians age 50-plus live in a household with three or more generations. Compared with the general population, almost twice as many live with grandchildren.
Although respect for elders is highly valued in tribal culture, the tradition may be hard to sustain, especially among families coping with poverty. The conference offers guidance on how to help elders live with dignity. To learn more about the event, call Wilson Wewa at 541-553-3313.