Our State, Our Future: Help shape the future of Oregon. Learn about our legislative priorities, get local race information, and join our fight to protect Social Security.
As the election season heats up, AARP Oregon is asking members what questions they’d like to hear gubernatorial candidates answer on camera. AARP will use some of the questions in a video voter guide for the governor’s race.
I had just finished reading an interesting story on Yahoo News, and went to breakfast in the dining room anxious to tell my table mate, George, about it. After I prefaced my retelling, I couldn’t remember the story I wanted to tell. Yet . . .
Show your appreciation of a great volunteer by nominating him or her for the 2018 AARP Oregon Andrus Award for Community Service. AARP’s most prestigious Oregon volunteer award recognizes individuals who are sharing their experience, talent and skills in ways that significantly enrich the lives of others.
In 2018, the fourth season of NeighborWalks begins in June! We excited about the fabulous walks we have planned for in and around Portland. One exciting thing this year is that we are expanding our walks to include Clackamas and Washington counties!
AARP Oregon is kicking off a statewide listening tour this spring to hear from Oregonians 50+ about their communities. The Age-Friendly Oregon: Building Communities for All Ages Listening Tour will include stops in twelve Oregon communities between March and June 2018. In each community, AARP staff and volunteer leaders will be host a public community conversation designed to hear from 50+ Oregonian about their communities, their priorities and aspirations for a livable and age-friendly Oregon.