Our State, Our Future: Help shape the future of Oregon. Learn about our legislative priorities, get local race information, and join our fight to protect Social Security.
We ALF residents were all in our places waiting for dinner when the announcement was made explaining that several areas of our abode would be painted including the laundry rooms (don’t try to do your wash and if the staff does it for you, it won’t be done) the stairwell (take the elevator and don’t slide down the banister) and the hallway walls (close your doors or plug your noses).
Join AARP Oregon Volunteer State President Elaine Friesen-Strang for some coffee and conversation. Come share your thoughts and hear about the issues AARP is working on this year. Meet other area volunteers and learn about the projects, programs and events you can get involved in.
Tax time is fast approaching. Preparing your documents can seem overwhelming. Some forms and paperwork might be difficult to track down. Social Security has made it easy to track down your annual Benefit Statement.
Just about everyone wants their community to be "livable." But what does that mean exactly? AARP defines it as a community that is built for people of all ages. The formula for what makes a community livable is not complex, but there are nuances that help create a people-friendly environment, one that is safe and accessible and is a great place to live. With that in mind, test your knowledge about livability. If you picked up a questions sheet at a local event, you'll find the answers below.
Newberg is making it easier for people of all people of all ages and abilities to live and thrive in the city as Newberg becomes Oregon’s fourth community to join the AARP National and WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Communities. The other four Age-Friendly Oregon communities are: Portland, Multnomah County and Springfield.
Saving for the future is a vital part of ensuring a secure retirement. American Savings Education Council and America Saves coordinate the annual America Saves Week. Started in 2007, the week is an annual opportunity for organizations to promote good savings behavior and a chance for individuals to assess their own saving status.
The third season of NeighborWalks begins in May! We are excited to invite you to join us this year at one or all of the dozen walks that we have designed for you!
I had just returned to my ALF from a brodate at a local coffee house. I was about to sign-in, so I glanced at the clock . It was 4:00PM. To my surprise, I was greeted by the caregiver who had been on the morning shift, which began at 6:00 AM. She was supposed to end her shift at 2:00 PM.
Picture, if you can, a man standing with the skin of his chest pierced with wooden pegs tied to leather thongs which are then attached to a pole. The man leans away from the pole putting weight on the skin. The man is a Native American Sun Dancer, and for at least 15 years, that man was Frank Alby. Now 81, Frank doesn’t dance anymore, but he still participates in this sacred ceremony while other men dance. Frank’s participation in the Sun Dance was the culmination of a journey to understand and learn about his heritage as a Native American.