Our State, Our Future: Help shape the future of Oregon. Learn about our legislative priorities, get local race information, and join our fight to protect Social Security.
More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, including 62,000 Oregonians. The debilitating disease takes a serious toll on patients, family caregivers and the health care system.
As kids we spent many long hours in our neighborhood playing games of kick the can. One of the main goals in the game (if you were “it”) was to protect the can from other players, while also looking for hidden players and calling them out. Now, as mid-life adults, we are too preoccupied with life to think about the kick the can game or even the symbolic “can” for our generation: Social Security. As a society, continuing to “kick the can down the road,” means failing to find solutions to shore up the Social Security program.
Between the ages of 16 and 21, he successfully posed as an airline pilot, an attorney, a doctor and cashed millions in fraudulent checks. In case you didn’t read the best-selling book… spoiler alert…he got caught and his exploits were depicted in the movie Catch Me If You Can starring Leonardo DiCaprio.