Her company was sold. Then it was reorganized. And finally her position was eliminated. At age 70 Anne Hudson found herself unemployed and with few options to re-enter the workforce. She sought assistance from the Oregon Employment Department to help her in finding a similar job with comparable pay, but not long after she realized that the chances of that happening for someone with her profile were slim. She needed a new plan.
After years of working as a solo entrepreneur, a CPA, and a strategic adviser to small businesses at Portland Community College’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Jackie Babicky Peterson could see that many of the SBDC clients did not want to start an employee dependent business, but rather were interested in making a living doing what they love. From that keen observation, Jackie had the idea to create Age is Opportunity! (AIO), a program geared toward enabling older adults to become solo entrepreneurs. AIO teaches older adults (age 50 and over) the skills and know-how to succeed as encore solopreneurs after or as they near retirement status. Since it began in 2014, Jackie, who is considered to be a thought leader in the field of solopreneurship, has guided dozens of students through the startup process and equipped them with the ability to combine their small business ideas and decades of professional development into a plan and to become successful solopreneurs later in life.
On Memorial Day, we honor the soldiers and service members who have given their lives for our nation. Social Security respects the heroism and courage of our military service members, and we remember those who have given their lives in defense of freedom. Part of how we honor service members is the way we provide Social Security benefits.
Livable Communities include a choice of affordable housing - row houses, multi-plexes, cottages -- all smaller units that are affordable. AARP Oregon, AIA – Southwest Oregon, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Better Eugene Springfield Transportation (BEST), Transportation Growth Management Program, held a Livability Solutions Forum: The Future of Housing on April 12. The event focused on exploring how Lane County can create more housing options.
Now in his 70’s, Ron Herndon has no immediate plans to retire. He enjoys working with a staff of over 300 and watching what they are able to do. “As long as I bring something to the organization, I’ll keep doing it,” he says with a smile.