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Meet our volunteers and find opportunities to get involved with our outreach and community service programs.
By Elaine Friesen-Strang
Did you know that people who volunteer are happier and have better health? Research shows that volunteers have more meaningful connections in their community and experience greater life satisfaction. That’s why we are excited to invite you to join us at two upcoming events to learn about volunteering in your community.
Long Term Care Ombudsman
Older adults are one of our city's richest resources. If we can ensure that they can participate fully in the life of the community for as long as possible, our entire community will benefit. But what does “age-friendly” really mean? How can we improve our city’s physical and social environments to allow residents to remain healthy, independent, and autonomous long into their old age?
Portland is known nationally as a great example of a livable urban environment. Ranked the most livable small city in the country by Money Magazine, Portland prides itself for its great public transportation system, local parks, connected neighborhoods with pedestrian-friendly shop-lined streets, and a thriving local arts culture. Today, as a member of the WHO Global and AARP Age-Friendly Livable Networks, Portland is making greater headway as a place to live, work and play for people of ALL ages and abilities.
AARP Oregon is excited to be a sponsor of this year’s Portland Sunday Parkways. As part of our sponsorship, we are looking to recruit and engage AARP members and non-members alike as volunteers to help us at each of the five Parkways events. Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles, including:
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