AARP Eye Center

In a state where nearly 1 in 7 people age 60-plus do not consistently have enough to eat, AARP is promoting a state program that helps some older Pennsylvanians buy fresh fruits and vegetables.
The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides up to $20 in vouchers to help eligible people buy locally grown produce at about 190 farmers markets and 800 roadside stands across the state. Individuals who will be 60 or older by Dec. 31 are eligible if their annual income does not exceed $21,775. For couples, the income limit is $29,471.
“Hunger among older people is particularly worrisome because many of them have medical conditions that can be better managed through nutrition,” said Bill Johnston-Walsh, AARP state director.
For more information or to apply for the vouchers, contact your local Area Agency on Aging.