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AARP AARP States Advocacy

Join the Drive to Fix State's Roads

Driving photo

The Palmetto State’s poorly maintained roads cause a lot more trouble than just tire damage. They imperil drivers and pedestrians, and even rob the state of tourism dollars.

According to the nonprofit South Carolina Alliance to Fix Our Roads, the state’s highway funding is the lowest per mile in the nation, with half of the secondary roads in poor or mediocre condition. Another report found that the state’s fatality rate on rural roads in 2012 was 61 percent higher than the national rural average.

AARP South Carolina is working with the alliance to draw attention to these problems and to advance the livable communities goal of being able to walk and travel safely on local roads. Between 2007 and 2011, nearly 4 in 10 traffic fatalities in the state occurred among people age 45 and older, according to a state government study.

For more information or to weigh in with your state legislators about possible solutions, call 866-389-5655 toll-free.

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