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Scams & Fraud

Estamos en la temporada de huracanes —junto con las temporadas de incendios forestales y de inundaciones— y una de las cosas que a menudo resulta de todas las pérdidas personales a causa de un desastre natural son las organizaciones benéficas falsas que ofrecen ayuda.
It’s hurricane season – along with wildfire and flooding season - and one of the things that often comes with all of the personal losses from a natural disaster are fake charities offering to help.
Join AARP NH for free bowling and learn about spotting scams and preventing scams in NH!
Los delincuentes usan muchas tácticas diferentes para robar dinero a los consumidores, y una de esas tácticas es la promesa de dinero gratis. Este verano, el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) está advirtiendo a los contribuyentes que estén atentos a una nueva estafa que intenta engañar a las personas para que crean que el IRS les debe un reembolso.
Criminals use a lot of different tactics to steal money from consumers, and one of those tactics is the promise of free money. This summer the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is warning taxpayers to be on the lookout for a new scam mailing that tries to mislead people into believing the IRS owes them a refund.
En estos días, parece que la temporada de desastres naturales nunca termina. A medida que la temporada de incendios forestales se aproxima a la temporada de huracanes, ahora es un buen momento para recordar que después de que la Madre Naturaleza se va, los estafadores tienden a aparecer.
It seems like natural disaster season is never ending these days. As wildfire season moves closer to hurricane season, now is a good time to remind ourselves that after Mother Nature moves out the criminal scammers tend to move in.
When temperatures are very high or very low, scammers take advantage of the heating and cooling needs of consumers. Utility scammers commonly pose as someone who works for your gas, water or electric company. These scams can be very tricky because they often know your name, address and the correct name of your utility provider. Their goal is often to work quickly to convince you they hold important resources like your heat, A/C, power and water in their hands.
Protect yourself from Identity Theft at the AARP Kentucky free secure document destruction day in Louisville (August 12)
Don't let bad actors prey upon your generosity.
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