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Scams & Fraud

Protecting Montanans from fraud & identity theft has long been an AARP priority. Take advantage of FREE document shredding on Fraud Fighting Fridays
Our next meeting will be October 10th, 2024 and we are going to learn how to stay safe lottery scams, sweepstakes and online ticket sales.
The Federal Trade Commission reported over $10 billion in losses due to fraud and identity theft last year. AARP is committed to combating fraud by educating people about current trends and consumer protections. We recently hosted a telephone town hall that reached people in their homes statewide. Watch a recording of the event.
With hurricane and wildfire season in full swing, it’s important to remind ourselves that when the clouds roll out and the smoke clears, criminal scammers tend to move in. 
Con un mercado inmobiliario tan apretado como el actual, a menudo existe la presión de actuar rápidamente cuando se encuentra el lugar perfecto. Los estafadores lo saben y están al acecho. Aquí hay tres cosas que debe tener en cuenta al comprar una casa.
With today’s tight real estate market there is often pressure to act quickly when you find that perfect place. Scammers know this and are waiting to pounce. Here are three things to be aware of when shopping for a home.
The election process is integral to our nation’s democracy and at the forefront of many Americans’ minds right now. Unfortunately, scammers are trying to take advantage of this time to steal your hard-earned money and personal information. AARP Florida wants you to know the signs of some of the most common election-related scams, so you can spot, stop, and report them.
News and Notes from AARP Michigan
Harrisburg, PA – AARP Pennsylvania is alerting residents about a rising wave of sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) scams targeting older adults. With AI becoming increasingly advanced, scammers are using tools like deepfake videos and voice cloning to deceive individuals into handing over money and personal information.
Last year the Federal Trade Commission recorded $10 Billion in reported fraud from U.S. consumers. Because fraud is underreported, we know that actual losses are much higher.
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