The calendar has turned to March, which means basketball, the return of Daylight Savings Time (reminder: turn your clocks ahead an hour this weekend!) and the end of the 100th Legislative Session.
Nearly 20 percent of South Dakotans age 45 and over are currently providing unpaid care to an adult relative or friend. Many of them are juggling those caregiving duties with full- or part-time jobs.
South Dakota’s June 7 primary election could decide which candidates appear on November’s general election ballot and whether a critical ballot initiative, Constitutional Amendment C, will pass.
Veto Day marks the end of South Dakota’s 2022 legislative session. Funding for high-speed internet expansion, improvements to power of attorney laws, and other bills championed by AARP South Dakota passed in 2022.
Scammers follow the headlines and take advantage of them when they can. Public desire to support Ukraine in this critical time of need is no exception.
AARP South Dakota continues to urge our elected officials to enact policies and prioritize funding for programs that support South Dakotans aged 50 and older. The Governor has until March 28 to sign or veto legislation.
America Walks and AARP South Dakota invite advocates for walkable, more livable communities in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa & Nebraska to apply for a six-month Fellowship with the Central Region Walking College by April 15.
There are only 2 weeks left in the legislative session—Help us urge lawmakers in Pierre to pass bill that would let voters update information, like their address or party affiliation, easily and securely on the Secretary of State’s website.
The South Dakota Senate voted down a bill to broaden Medicaid eligibility earlier this year. Medicaid Expansion will be on your General Election ballot as Constitutional Amendment D.