AARP Eye Center
By: AARP Indiana State President Joe Everett

If you don’t think “financial security,” when you think AARP, then you don’t know ‘aarp.’ And, if you think I’m only talking about financial security for retirees, then you really don’t know AARP. I’m talking about financial security and peace of mind for hard-working Hoosiers across the age spectrum. I’m talking about how we can help boost private retirement savings among Hoosiers and address our current retirement savings crisis. I’m talking about passing the Hoosier Employee Retirement Options bill, or HERO, and I’m asking Rep. Bartlett and Sen. Breaux to support it. This bill will connect Hoosier small business owners and the self-employed with private retirement savings plans that have been vetted by the State to ensure they are affordable and convenient. This bill capitalizes on the fact that people are 15 times more likely to save if they can do so through their employer. Right now, one out of two households is at risk of having a financially insecure retirement – meaning they will be unable to afford the basics -- food, medicine, and utilities. We can do better, and we can act now by passing HERO.