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Take Full Advantage of Money Smart Week Illinois!

Hello there blog denizens! Just a heads up that it's almost time for Money Smart Week, and there are a lot of sessions worth checking out this year. 


First, learn what "Money Smart Week" is all about by checking out this quick and somewhat epic video....[/youtube]


Second, let us tell you about the sessions that we're a part of this year....


Seminar #1 and #2 - Peoria 

"Reverse Mortgages: What are they?" 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

"Frauds & Scams: Keeping Yourself and Your Pocketbook Safe" 1:30p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 8

Schnucks Market

4800 N. University Street, Peoria IL

RSVP: Email Julie Vahling of AARP 

Seminar #3 - Chicago 

National Futures Association (NFA), AARP Illinois and the Chicago Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS) will co-sponsor a seminar that aims to provide individuals and community leaders with the tools they need to help protect themselves and others from investment fraud.

"Avoiding Fraud is Your Best Money Strategy," 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 10

Renaissance Court in the Chicago Cultural Center

78 E. Washington Street, Chicago, IL

RSVP: (312) 781-7485 and lunch is included! 



Third, there are a TON of great sessions happening all over Illinois so be sure to check them out here.

If you attend a really great session let us know! You can tweet along at #MoneySmartWeek



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