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AARP AARP States Texas Advocacy

AARP Texas Statement on the Passing of Sylvester Turner

AARP Texas Director Tina Tran released the following statement in reaction to the news of the passing of Sylvester Turner, a congressman and longtime state legislator and Houston mayor:

“With heavy hearts, we grieve the loss of Sylvester Turner, a compassionate champion for the needs of others and an admired and eloquent public servant for the people of Houston and all Texans. His passing is an immense loss for our state and a personal one for me; but now, we should celebrate his remarkable life.

Sylvester Turner

“A lifelong Houstonian who was often regarded as the conscience of the Texas House, Congressman Turner achieved a distinguished legal career and held numerous public offices, including 27 years in the Texas House of Representatives, Houston City Council and Houston Mayor, and U.S. Congressman. No matter the office he held, he was a strong, consistent voice for the least of us and an eternal statesman.

“At AARP, we will long cherish Congressman Turner’s great oratory skills and will deeply appreciate having worked closely with him on numerous initiatives over many years. His work, especially in the areas of public safety and environmental and economic opportunity, has resulted in progress that has improved the quality of life and wellbeing for all Houstonians, including many older Texans and their families.

“Our hearts and thoughts are with his family and the community that he served with love until the end.”

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Sylvester Turner stands with AARP Texas staff and volunteers in Houston.

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