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Austin Leaders Gathering Input for FY 2022 Budget

The City of Austin is hosting a series of virtual events in February to gather public input on city spending. AARP Texas is helping people join the conversation by urging participation in the events, as well as encouraging feedback through a Commission on Seniors’ budget survey.

City officials are collecting the opinions about programs and services as they build a Fiscal Year 2022 budget.

Austin’s budget and the importance of community engagement was at the center of a recent AARP Texas Facebook Live conversation featuring District 9 Commissioner Sally Van Sickle.

Perfect Texas flag flying in front of Austin Texas downtown skyline cityscape sunny perfect day

“The final 2021-2022 budget approval is scheduled to take place in early August,” said Van Sickle. “There is a lot of work that needs to get done to get ready for that. Last fall, we started meeting to ask about what (seniors) wanted in the upcoming budget. We are at the point right now where we want community feedback.”

The City of Austin is sponsoring three virtual budget-engagement events focused on separate topic areas.

* Public Safety: 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9.

* Health and Environment: 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11.

* Economic Opportunity, Culture, and Affordability: 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17.

To participate, register at:

The Commission on Seniors’ survey poses questions about outdoor and public spaces, transportation, housing, and educational opportunities that help keep Austin an “age-friendly” community. The survey expires on Monday, Feb. 22. Take the survey at:

For those with limited internet access, call (512) 972 5023 and leave a voicemail with your top concerns for the city budget.

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