AARP Eye Center

Today AARP Pennsylvania thanked U.S. Representative Ryan Costello (R-PA8) for endorsing a reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA) during a speech yesterday on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Millions of older adults rely on the OAA to live with dignity and independence in their communities by receiving age-appropriate meals, access to abuse prevention services, transportation assistance, information referrals and even opportunities to serve their communities. The OAA also saves tax dollars by keeping many seniors out of nursing homes and cutting unnecessary hospital readmissions.
“AARP is fighting for a bipartisan, simple reauthorization that will protect core programs and achieve greater effectiveness for funds already dedicated to the act’s core programs,” said AARP Pennsylvania State Director Bill Johnston-Walsh.
The existing Older Americans Act expired in Fiscal Year 2011. A three-year reauthorization of the law was unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate last summer, and the bill is currently awaiting a vote by the House.
“Renewal of the current Older Americans Act is long overdue,” said AARP Pennsylvania State Director Bill Johnston-Walsh. “AARP thanks Representative Costello for his leadership role in supporting this critical legislation, and calls on Congress to pass the reauthorization bill.”You can view Rep. Costello’s floor speech in support of reauthorization of the Older Americans Act
You can view Rep. Costello’s floor speech in support of reauthorization of the Older Americans Act here.
And you can read more about AARP’s support for reauthorizing the Older Americans Act here.