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AARP Virgin Islands

Dedicated to enhancing the lives of those over 50
SEP 3, 2024
Residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands can schedule new COVID-19 vaccine appointments online. Here’s how to find an updated vaccine near you.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
AUG 14, 2024
Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and options for voting in the U.S. Virgin Islands, such as absentee, early voting or voting with a disability.
JUL 22, 2024
Virgin Islands Voter Resources
English | Si bien es posible que la pandemia reciente nos haya mantenido separados, la misión de inclusión de AARP Islas Vírgenes es más fuerte que nunca a medida que continuamos observando el Mes del Orgullo (Pride Month) en el territorio. El 18 de junio, nos encontrará formando equipo con Frederiksted Health Care, Inc. y St. Croix Pride en la Feria de Salud y Bienestar de Frederiksted Health Care. Únase a nosotros para saber cómo seguiremos abogando por la comunidad de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales y queer o cuestionando (LGBTQ+) en Islas Vírgenes para obtener recursos y, por supuesto, para obtener algunos obsequios excelentes de AARP. Desde 2018, AARP-VI ha estado involucrado en celebraciones y eventos planeados en conjunto con St. Croix Pride y el 25 de junio nos dirigimos a St. Thomas para unirnos a Gay Pride VI para la muy esperada Marcha del Orgullo.
Español | Though the recent pandemic may have kept us apart, AARP-Virgin Islands’ mission of inclusivity is stronger than ever as we continue to observe Pride Month in the territory. On June 18, you can find us teaming with Frederiksted Health Care, Inc. and St. Croix Pride at the Frederiksted Health Care Pride Health and Wellness Fair. Join us to learn how we will go on to advocate for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+) community in the VI for resources, and of course, to pick up some great AARP goodies. Since 2018, AARP-VI has been involved in celebrations and events planned in conjunction with St. Croix Pride and on June 25, we head to St. Thomas to join Gay Pride VI for highly anticipated Pride Walk.
El premio anual reconoce a quienes marcan una gran diferencia en su comunidad
Annual Award Recognizes Those Who Make a Powerful Difference in their Community
Three recent bills pushed by AARP Virgin Islands were signed into law by Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. (D), providing easier access to estate-planning services and seeking to make streets and sidewalks safer.
English | AARP en las Islas Vírgenes, la Primera Dama Yolanda Bryan, Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights, el Departamento de Turismo de las Islas Vírgenes, la Oficina de Lotería de las Islas Vírgenes y VI Council on the Arts-DPNR, unieron fuerzas para celebrar el Mes de las Personas Mayores en los Estados Unidos con una "Serenata de Ole' Time".
Español | AARP in The Virgin Islands, First Lady Yolanda Bryan, Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights, the Virgin Islands Department of Tourism, the VI Lottery Office, and the VI Council on the Arts-DPNR, have joined forces to celebrate Older Americans Month with an “Ole’ Time Serenade.”
Ever thought about running your own business? AARP Virgin Islands is hosting five online sessions to help entrepreneurs navigate the red tape. All sessions are on Wednesdays, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Topics are as follows:
English | AARP en las Islas Vírgenes conectó cuatro jonrones con la firma de cuatro (4) importantes leyes este meAARP en las Islas Vírgenes abogó y trabajó con la Legislatura 34 de las Islas Vírgenes para la aprobación de los Testamentos Electrónicos, Actas Notariales, Póliza de Calles Completas, y apoyó la Legislación del Retorno de Jubilados del Gobierno de las Islas Vírgenes al trabajo.
Español | AARP in The Virgin Islands hit four home runs with the signing of four (4) significant pieces of legislation this month.
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