Richmond, VA -- A diverse group of multidisciplinary college students from across the Commonwealth gathered to address the often overlooked issue of caregiver health and wellness at the 2017 “Caring for the Caregiver Intercollegiate Hack” hosted by VirginiaNavigator’s Lindsay Institute for Innovations in Caregiving.
NEWPORT NEWS, VA – AARP on Monday presented U.S. Representative Bobby Scott with the 2017 ‘AARP Champion for the 50-Plus’ Legislative Leadership Award for his significant achievements during the 114 th Congress.
Alexandria and Arlington Commissions on Aging invite you to meet with elected officials* from Senate Districts: Adam Ebbin (D-30), Barbara Favola (D-31), Janet Howell (D-32), Richard Saslaw (D-35), and George Barker (D-39) and from House Districts: Mark Levine (D-45), Charniele Herring (D-46), Patrick Hope (D-47), Rip Sullivan (D-48), and Alfonso Lopez (D-49).
AARP Virginia held this live interactive event featuring United States Senator Mark Warner. The main topic of discussion related to healthcare including the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and lowering prescription drug costs. Senator Warner thanked AARP for being supportive of his new bill the Care Planning Act, which is designed to give those with serious illness the option to make choices about their care. He spoke about how we should fix insurance for small business owners by bringing in more competition, reducing the amount of reporting requirements, and finding new ways for small business owners to have more flexibility.
Join us for an important conversation with Senator Mark Warner on the future of health care currently being discussed in the U.S. Senate. The event is on Wednesday, September 27 from 6-7 p.m. EDT, and Senator Warner will take questions from participants on the call.
The following are Facebook links and Twitter handles for candidates in the 2017 Virginia General Election. When posting questions for the candidates, please pose a question that all candidates for the office can answer, and make sure to tag AARP Virginia. Find us at AARPVirginia on Facebook and @AARPVa on Twitter.