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The Office for the Study of Aging is looking for volunteers to join the South Carolina Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem Program (SCVAGAL). Volunteers act as advocates on behalf of abused, neglected or exploited adults under protective service custody in the South Carolina Family Court System.
In 2013, over 2,800 cases of abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable adults were reported in South Carolina. Over 350 of these reports resulted in court proceedings. This is why the SCVAGAL Program needs people like you. Your desire to advocate for the best interests of these victims can impact their lives greatly.
Training will be held Nov. 14 at the Office for the Study of Aging, 730 Devine St., Suite 111 in Columbia from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers will receive training from professionals in the legal and human services fields. A registration process, application and online training is also required.
SCVAGAL volunteers are appointed by a judge to recommend the best interests of the vulnerable adult. As a volunteer Guardian ad Litem you are responsible for a wide-range of activities, some of which include:
• Gather information for a case
• Meet with and observe the adult
• Interview law enforcement and others
• Consider the wishes of the adult
• Present written reports to the court
Those who want to participate in the November training must register no later than Nov. 6 by calling 803-777-0179 or 803-576-5882. You can also register by email here.
For more information about the program visit their website here.