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Communities across the nation are working each and every day to become more livable for residents of all ages.
Does your community group need a speaker for an upcoming event? AARP DC staff and volunteers can deliver presentations on a variety of topics, including fraud, caregiving and financial planning.
Update as of July 16, 2018: Thank you for your interest in this activity with AARP DC. We have reached the event capacity of 50 participants. You may still register for the waitlist, but we cannot guarantee that a spot will be available for your participation.
Do you paint or draw? Perhaps you make pottery, jewelry or sculpt. Or do you enjoy digital photography or poetry?
AARP DC cordially invites you to come to an upcoming neighborhood chat for coffee and casual conversation about what’s happening with the growing 50+ population in DC. We are making a stop in every ward, so please come by!
In cooperation with The Beacon newspaper, AARP DC is cosponsoring the Beacon Celebration of the Arts contest for amateur artists 50 and older in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. The contest has four categories—painting, photography, poetry, and sculpture/3D (including pottery, jewelry, textile arts and more).
AARP DC volunteers play a critical role in our efforts to help the District’s 50+ live their best lives. The impact our volunteers have on this work cannot be overstated. Through letter writing, attending hearings, giving testimony, participation in rallies, and various other activities we are able to serve the 50+ community on issues that matter most to them.
2018 is going to be exciting.
AARP DC volunteer Jay Thal is a 2018 Community Cornerstone Award recipient. He's lived in DC for over 50 years and has been serving his community for just as long.
As I reflect on the accomplishments of AARP DC’s dynamic team of volunteers and staff in 2017, I am proud of our ability to make an impact in the lives of the 50+ residents in the midst of re-establishing a larger identity with the relocation of the AARP District of Columbia State Office to Southeast.
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