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AARP AARP States Events

We're Listening: A Chance to Speak Out

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AARP wants you to help make Tampa Bay a better place to live.

This spring, the organization will host listening posts at St. Petersburg’s popular downtown Saturday Morning Market. AARP members and volunteers will be on hand to solicit ideas on what people like about the area and what they believe could be improved.

“This will be an experiment,” said Jeff Johnson, AARP Florida state director, adding that he’s not sure how many of the thousands who visit the weekly market will speak up.

It’s also a step toward getting St. Petersburg to join the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, part of a U.N. World Health Organization program to aid cities in dealing with aging populations and urbanization.

To encourage participation at the market, Johnson said, the listening posts won’t focus on promoting AARP but will display pertinent questions and responses from those who participate. AARP plans to inform local leaders about themes that emerge from respondents.

Listening posts will be held on April 4, May 2 and May 30. For more information, go to

The market, open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., is located at the Al Lang Stadium parking lot on 1st Street S.E. —George Edmonson

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