AARP Eye Center

AARP Wyoming has been very blessed to work with some incredible volunteers over the past 11 years we’ve had a state office in Wyoming. We would like to highlight some of these volunteers, so you too can see just how fortunate we really are. We plan to highlight one of our volunteers who serve in various volunteer positions and different places around the state each quarter.
This quarter we are showcasing one of our Government Relations Team (advocacy) volunteers here in Cheyenne, Lynn Achter. She is one of five volunteers who make things happen every year at the Wyoming Legislative Session. Here is what she has to say:
I was recently retired and looking for volunteer activities that I could enjoy. I knew Cathy Gonzales, President of AARP Wyoming, and she invited me to consider an opportunity working with the AARP Wyoming Government Relations Team at the state capitol. Once I met the staff at AARP, I agreed, and have not regretted one minute of my decision.
I discovered I could use my work and life experience in my role as a volunteer with AARP, which was more than I ever expected from a volunteer activity. I worked in the disability area for the better part of 25 years as Executive Director for the Governor’s Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, a training consultant with Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, and as a special education teacher. These experiences helped me as I lobbied for Medicaid reform, the Uniform Adult Guardianship Act, and hospice services, just to mention a few. I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that what I have learned through the course of my career can be used to better the lives of many people, even after I’ve retired.
My work with AARP during this past legislative session included issues such as the Uniform Adult Guardianship Act, Medicaid reform, Hospice services, state retirement issues, and the ADRC (Aging & Disability Resource Center) program. I found my personal knowledge of guardianship very valuable when testifying before and lobbying legislators in support of this piece of legislation.
All in all, I have found working as a volunteer for AARP to be satisfying and rewarding because of the people I work with and the support I receive from AARP.
Tim Summers, with AARP Wyoming, worked with Lynn during the last two legislative sessions and had this to say: “Lynn was critical to the passage of the Uniform Adult Guardianship Act. Her personal caregiver story, coupled with her career experience in the disability arena, were huge advantages in talking with legislators. Lynn’s articulate, low-key and knowledgeable approach is refreshing and really makes a difference.”
If you are interested in joining our incredible team of volunteers, contact the AARP Wyoming State Office toll free at 1-866-663-3290, or email us at[/youtube]
[Photo courtesy of Lynn Achter]