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Tim Lockwood

AARP Colorado highlights its 2019 priorities
During the first months of 2019, multiple counties across Alabama have seen destruction by mother nature. From tornadoes to floods, our friends and family have been affected in all corners of our state.
AARP Wyoming announced two winners for the AARP Community Challenge, aiming to create change and improve quality of life at the community-level. The winning projects include projects in Casper as well as Jackson. Both grants will be used to fund age-friendly bus stops in their respective communities.
Sometimes legislation in Congress has unintended consequences. This is one of those times. The proposed Senate health care bill would increase costs and risks for individuals in Wyoming including: seniors, children and adults with disabilities, people with pre-existing conditions, and those ages 50-64.
Named after AARP’s founder, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, the Andrus Awards honors outstanding individuals who donate their time, skills and passion as a volunteer to support their community and state. Every year we gather at our annual Andrus Awards event and celebrate the dedication of Wyoming’s wonderful volunteers.
Welcome to the Spring 2017 AARP Wyoming News with information and news relevant to Wyoming AARP members on issues such as advocacy, health, finances and events from around the state. Click on the newsletter to make it full-screen and flippable.
Are you ready to Downsize, not sure where to start? Do you get overwhelmed or not sure what to get rid of? Join us for a free lunch presentation on June 6 by Sarah McKinney, a professional organizer who helps with downsizing. She started her business back in August 2016 and has a degree in Interior Design. You will leave with tips on how to prioritize, organize, and make decisions to minimize the process of downsizing. Sarah’s family is in the Air Force and has moved several times giving her experience in packing and downsizing her household. Through the process, she has learned what she values, what’s important to keep, and what gives her joy.
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An elder and vulnerable adults taskforce that included AARP Wyoming staff among its membership has finalized its work and has taken steps to advocate for changes that directly impact the state’s vulnerable and aging population.
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