“Chinatown” is a documentary about the Washington, DC community that is the home to approximately 300 Chinese immigrants. Produced and filmed by Yi Chen, the movie explores DC’s Chinese community and the challenges for the Chinatown neighborhood to stay intact while providing for the needs of older Chinese residents. In observance of Asian American Pacific Islander Month, AARP DC recently hosted two screenings of “Chinatown” for its neighbors, residents of Wah Luck House, a housing facility predominately occupied by older Chinese citizens, for DC. Also a partner for the screenings were AARP’s Asian American Strategic Engagement Employee Resource Groups (SEERG), and representatives from the DC Office of Asian American and Pacific Islanders Affairs
What do you see that will make Washington, DC livable for people of all ages? Continue to participate in the Age-Friendly Block-by-Block Surveys by organizing family and friends to evaluate your neighborhood streets and services. Supported by AARP DC, the surveys will tell District leaders what will make our city age-friendly for all of us. Learn more and sign up, today. http://agefriendly.dc.gov/page/age-friendly-dc-block-block-walk
Interested in how technology can help older District residents? Concerned about staying safe online? Then this FREE workshop from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is for you. Attend "Stay Safe, Healthy and Connected" at FCC Headquarters on Thursday, May 22, 2014 from 10:00 AM - 12 PM. Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. If you are not able to attend in person, you can access the workshop online. For more information, go to: http://www.fcc.gov/events/workshop-older-americans-stay-safe-healthy-and-connected
Commit to making the District of Columbia an Age-Friendly City - a place for people of all ages. Voice your support for a $4.5 million increase in the proposed City Budget that allows the DC Office on Aging (DCOA) to give grants to community organizations serving older District residents. DCOA grants fund city services such as home-delivered meals, affordable housing, adult day health care, and grandparent caregiver subsidies. Follow this link to send your letter of support.
A continually growing number of grandparents are faced with the decision of caring for and/or raising their grandchildren. Some Boomers are also dealing with their aging parents in the home. Not only are they caring for their grandchildren and their parents but they are also caring for themselves and in some cases their spouses as well. A workshop on June 24, 2014 will provide information on resources to help grandparents manage.
One of the largest annual PRIDE events takes place in the Washington, DC area in early June 2014. The Capital Pride Celebration attracts more than 300,000 people and AARP DC will be a Silver Sponsor for the 2014 events. Volunteers are being recruited by AARP DC to ensure the D.C. area is well-represented at the following events:
AARP Experience Corps D.C. ( www.aarp.org/ecwashingtondc) recently received a $75,000 grant to support a proven inter-generational reading literacy program currently offered in 75 classrooms within nine D.C. schools. The funding will help expand and strengthen program deliverables in the District. The City Fund from which the grant was awarded seeks to advance the three goals as outlined in Mayor Vincent Gray’s One City Action Plan: