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Evelin De La Rosa

It is the new year, and that means it’s time for new year’s resolutions. For many, those resolutions are to lose weight, exercise more, and eat healthier. In this latest edition of our Prepare to Care Podcast, Robin Owens of Meal Prep With Me says getting fit is easy and fun to do.
For the 3.2 million Texas caregivers, balancing work, family, and caregiving duties can be challenging. It is even more taxing as we throw this pandemic in the mix. Dr. Alberto Almeida from Brownsville, Texas, and primary-care physician in family and sports medicine says, mindfulness can help caregivers better deal with their day to day duties. He joined our Prepare to Care Podcast to discuss mindfulness and caregivers.
We at AARP Texas know that taking care of your physical and mental health is essential for your well-being. Implementing exercise in your lifestyle is one way to achieve good health, and it is easier than you think. The best part is that you do not have you leave your home to get a good workout. AARP Texas offers free virtual events that will get you up and moving. If you are in the mood to try something new, join our virtual Tai Chi classes in English and Spanish.
Cuando se forma un huracán en la zona costera de Texas, hay que tomar mucha importancia en la preparación. Esta temporada es un poco más difícil porque los expertos pronostican que estamos esperando más tormentas tropicales que de lo normal.
About 5.8 million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer's disease. Of those about two-thirds are women, and that number is growing. According to a new report from the AARP-founded Global Council on Brain Health, by 2050, the number of Americans living with Alzheimer's is expected to reach 13.8 million. More than 9 million Alzheimer’s patients will be women.
Caring for someone can be a challenging task, especially if you are a military caregiver. Military caregivers consistently experience worse health outcomes, greater strains in family relationships, and more workplace problems. No caregiver handles this job the same and no two service members or veterans have an identical set of health challenges.
During these tough times, leaving your home may be stressful. Even picking up take-out may be a chore. As a result, many of us are cooking at home, so why not make something new.
The toll COVID-19 has on humans has been widely reported, but what about your pets. Can they catch this virus? Dr. Karen Wu, a Zoonosis Veterinarian at the Veterinary Public Health Division and Harris County Animal Shelter said that the CDC has not reported any cases of pets, livestock, or wildlife that have been sick with COVID-19, but a type of the virus does exist in animals.
With the world’s current situation, we are all being advised to stay home and practice social distancing. This means we should avoid crowded places. While you may have the necessities, how will you keep yourself entertained? Binge-watching online media like movies and shows could be your solution but it isn’t the only thing you can do. Staying at home does not have to feel like complete isolation. If you need some suggestions, we at AARP Texas are here to help.
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