WASHINGTON, D.C. – AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond sent a letter to Members of Congress today, urging a resolution to the debt ceiling debate that avoids default and protects the retirement security of current and future generations. The letter follows.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new study from the AARP Public Policy Institute calculates that each dollar paid to Social Security beneficiaries in Michigan generates nearly two dollars in spending by individuals and businesses, adding about $55 billion in total economic output to the Michigan economy – and about $1.4 trillion to the national economy – in 2012.
AARP Michigan invites the Grand Rapids area community to an open house on Friday, Sept. 27 from 4-6 p.m. at the Cultural Center, 2250 E. Paris Ave. SE.
When you enroll for a health plan in the new Michigan Health Insurance Marketplace beginning Oct. 1, you won’t have to go it alone. There will be live navigators available to help.